Friday, May 15, 2015

Trades for May 15, 2015

Finally, a "Big PnL" day from GOOD TRADING, not holding through so many big unrealized losses.  I was up 2.2k in about an hour, which is more than I have been making the last few days, and today it was with using like half as much size and no big unrealized losses, I'm extremely happy with it.  These are the types of days that I want to have all the time, just nail the first 1-2 hours, smaller size, no big unrealized losses, then "take it easy" the rest of the day and "sit on hands" for the most part.  The rest of the day, everything was extremely slow (much slower than usual), there were some trades that I could have taken but I missed some entries and didn't bother, I didn't make any more trades the rest of the day, I didn't want to give anything back considering this is my best week ever.

The total for the week is about $10.2k before commissions, I was green everyday, and this completed my best week ever (my best before this was 9.6k last month, and second best was 7.9k, which was also last month).  I've made back pretty much everything from my 14.5k in losses that I took on PTBI in two days (-11.5k and -3k), and I'm +2-3k for the month after being down 11-12k at one point last week, I'm extremely happy with that.  Now I don't have to be "pressing so hard" to try to "make back", like I sort of have been.  Just "slow and steady", try to be consistently green everyday, smaller size, less adding, bigger moves, exactly like I did today, less stress, less risk, and the same "PnL results" or better.

FOR NEW READERS ONLY: If I am scaling in and out of a position, that is considered one trade until I am completely out of the position and then it becomes a new trade, that's why some trades have a lot of shares, even if I never had that much at once, if I cover half and then re-add my cover, it's still considered one trade until I am completely out.  The entry is the average of the entries and the exit is the average of all the exits.  The entries/exits are rounded to 2 decimal places, but the exact number is calculated for the PnL, so that's why the dollar amount may look different than what you see. (it may be 7.165 instead of 7.17, etc).  Also, you can click on the charts if you want to make them bigger to be able to better see the entries/exits.

This had positive earnings aferhours yesterday and went from 4.09 previous down close up to 5.20-5.90 range afterhours and premarket.  The float is around 10m, which isn't "super low", I'm not exactly sure how these stocks work exactly, but this is similar to FCSC, that only trades about 10-50k shares in volume per day, and then just has some news and a big volume day where it can move a lot and have a lot of range.  It traded at 5.26-5.47 for the first 3 minutes, then parabolic'd to 6.30 in three candles, I scaled in short into the parabolic, 1k at 6.07, 1k at 6.14, 700/1k (that's all that filled) at 6.23, to have 2.7k shares 6.14ish average.  It pulled back to 5.92 and I covered 700 shares to reduce risk/be more comfortable readding, I tried covering more at 5.90ish (planning on readding again) but didn't get filled, it popped back up to 6.15 and I readded 1k at 6.14, now I had 3k shares short 6.14ish average and I covered it all into the washout, some of it a bit early, 1k at 5.87, 1k at 5.83 and 1k at 5.74.  It worked out great and I made $1100 in about 5 minutes with only having 3k shares at the max, it was a "good trade".  I didn't reshort the bounce to 5.80's and it faded to 5.50's, then traded in a 5.50-5.90 "channel range" for a while, then a 5.35-5.65 "channel range" later in the day.  I wanted to short around 11:56 into that push at 5.95-6 or so, but it didn't quite get to my orders and I never took the trade on it.  I could have traded the "channel range's", but I didn't bother, this stock had the best range/volume today (compared to other stocks), even though it was still pretty "slow/thin", that's how slow of a day it was.

+/- $Amt
$ PnL
% Pnl
Short 6.14 5.84 3700 $0.30 $1,099.00 4.84%
  • Lessons:
  • Can always "add to a winner"/reshort on pops on a downtrending chart after a big move, using the "house's money" for any add's or new trades on it 
  • Always pay attention to "channel range's" and don't hesitate taking a position long/short at the bottom/top of the range, I anticipated some of these moves but I never took any trades because it was too slow moving/thin, can always buy at a base with risk/hard stop 5-10 cents away and/or short at resistance/top with risk/hard stop 5-10 cents away (I should "experiment" more with these types of trades, just with smaller size and a hard stop/set risk, definitely can add more to the "PnL" even with small size and you have a set risk)

Super frustrating, I had 3k shares short 6.18ish average yesterday into afterhours and I covered at 6.53ish and lost about $1000, had I just held overnight and been up at 8 AM EST, I could have covered 5.87-6.10, for a $300-900 profit instead of a 1k loss, I played it safe and didn't want to pay the 1% overnight fee either, but I guess holding overnight would have worked this time, but oh well I guess, could have gone either way, I still don't like holding overnight and still won't do it.  It washed out to 5.79 in the first two minutes and held premarket support (sort of) and also turned SSR on, it bounced to 6.09, then came back and held a higher low at 5.85, then had a "R/G squeeze" attempt up to 6.29 in a few candles, I scaled in short into that, 1k 6.17, 1k 6.23, 1k 6.28, I had a 6.23ish average and it came down to 6.17, I didn't cover any yet because I was looking for more than that and I was okay with adding more higher still.  It popped back up to 6.32 and I tried to add another 1k shares there and got 100/1000 filled, it pulled back from there and faded to 5.95.  I covered it all into that washout, 1k 6.07, 1k 5.98, 1k 5.96 (took the ask quickly on the last one).  It bounced to 6.09 but I didn't get back in, and it faded to 5.80's, then bounced to 5.90's again and then faded to 5.60, I missed both of these reshorts.  I scaled in with 3k shares long 5.65 avg and sold it all into the immediate bounce for a 12 cent scalp.  It was pretty low volume and "thin" the rest of the day and I missed shorting around 5.90's, but it basically traded in a 5.70-5.90 "channel range" the rest of the day.       
+/- $Amt
$ PnL
% Pnl
Short 6.23 6.00 3100 $0.23 $716.00 3.71%
Long 5.65 5.78 3000 $0.12 $371.15 2.19%
  • Lessons:
  • Can always add/reshort on pops on a downtrending chart after a big move, using the "house's money" for any add's or new trades on it 

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