Thursday, August 6, 2015

Trades for August 6, 2015

Quick Update/Info for anyone checking out my blog (usually from twitter):

I posted all my trades everyday on this blog for three months (March, April, and May), then took a break for two months (June and July), I was thinking about starting it up again for August but I only posted four days worth and decided to stop doing it again.  The blog will always stay "up" for anyone to look at, but I will not be doing any new posts for a while unless I decide I want to start it up again.  I will try to post the occasional chart on twitter as I did on August 13 with EBIO,  Please email if you have any questions about trading in general or about the trades I took, I will try to do my best to give brief explanations and share screenshots occasionally.  I'm no expert and I think there are lots of better traders out there to learn from, but I will try to do my best to help if I can.  I hope this explains things a bit, so you aren't looking at the blog and saying "when are you going to post again?" or "you're a little behind on the blog posts."  Thanks for reading and good luck out there.

Actual post from August 6th, 2015:

Awesome day, I actually "pulled the trigger" near the open and actually sized into a trade.  My main watches were WTW and GENE, looking for a "gap and crap" sort of play, I really tried to focus on those, as I thought those were the best opportunities that are my "style of trades" that I'm comfortable with.  GENE didn't really "pop" enough so I sort of chose WTW, looking for a fade similar to July 6th, 2015 with the gap up (that I also made some on).

I was away from the computer for quite a bit of the day and tried to force myself not to trade anything unless there was something "perfect", I came back around 2 PM and I could have easily nailed a 6.50-6.80 short on RCAP with the intraday "bad earnings" results and halt but didn't take it.  Oh well I guess, hard to really know what's going to happen, the only "edge" seems to be shorting these early on but even then, something crazy could always happen.  Best to short it early with small size and somewhat of an idea of risk or just avoid, pretty much the only decent way to play these it seems.  I didn't want to do anything stupid because I'm up quite a bit, didn't want to force anything, I always seem to lose on these "news plays" (I had some of my biggest losses on these last month) so I'm trying to have the discipline to not trade them for the most part.

Basically "three trades", and the last trade done at 11:20 AM, very stress-free day, biggest day in the last month other than my KONE and NYMX days,  I forced myself not to over-trade and give it back, quite happy with it.

FOR NEW READERS ONLY: If I am scaling in and out of a position, that is considered one trade until I am completely out of the position and then it becomes a new trade, that's why some trades have a lot of shares, even if I never had that much at once, if I cover half and then re-add my cover, it's still considered one trade until I am completely out.  The entry is the average of the entries and the exit is the average of all the exits.  The entries/exits are rounded to 2 decimal places, but the exact number is calculated for the PnL, so that's why the dollar amount may look different than what you see. (it may be 7.165 instead of 7.17, etc).  Also, you can click on the charts if you want to make them bigger to be able to better see the entries/exits.  Using two monitors can be useful (one for the full-screen chart and one for the text/trades), that's how I personally do it whenever I am reviewing my old posts.

Gapped up from 4.46 to 5.60 on positive earnings but this stock is very "beat" and there's a lot of bagholders, last gap up on 07/06/2015 faded from the open and I was looking for more of the same.
+/- $Amt
$ PnL
% Pnl
Short 5.42 5.16 8500 $0.26 $2,177.50 4.73%
The action was pretty jumpy in the first 5 minutes, ideally I would have gotten in 5.55-5.65 on the lower high with risk on HOD, but I sort of missed that/wasn't sure.  I "chased" (hit bid) 2k at 5.50, risk 5.60ish looking for a washout/fade on the 5.50 and VWAP rebreak, I covered 1k at 5.22, then readded much too early with more size on the bounce (especially 1k at 5.32) since my idea was working and had some small profits ("house's money"), looking for VWAP "over/under" to fail again and 5.20-5 (or lower) was my ideal target.  My readds weren't the best overall but it worked out okay, I had 6500 shares 5.44 average and I covered 5.23-5.06 with another 1k add at 5.21 in there.
  • Lessons:
  • Can cover ALL if you get a big washout like that, then just look to reshort again on a bounce
  • Don't be too quick to readd covers right after a big washout

Had no news that I could find, I think it was just a total "short squeeze" on this "low float former runner", that's coming right off the very lows on the daily and off the 1 dollar whole number and also had SSR and was easy to borrow which helped add to the squeeze.  I was going to "bring the hammer" on the short (5-10k shares) at 3-3.20 (because I can use more size above 3, there are margin limits under 3 with Suretrader), I had one order waiting at 3.02 for 1k but the top was 2.98 unfortunately and I didn't take it 2.90's/2.80's/2.70's before the big washout.
+/- $Amt
$ PnL
% Pnl
Long 2.42 2.51 5300 $0.09 $478.50 3.73%
Risk was 2.35-2.40 (VWAP was 2.36), initially 2.45 avg 3.3k shares, sold 2k 2.50ish when it still seemed weak and rebought those at 2.36-2.37 looking for 2.40 reclaim, then 2.50 reclaim and ideally 2.60+ (held VWAP and has SSR on and is a "crowded short", these can really bounce/squeeze back up, as I usually experience when "stuck" on the short side).  I ended up selling it all in the 2.50's a few minutes before it popped to 2.60's, but I just didn't like how long it was taking and thought it might snap back to 2.40-2.45 with one "SSR candle", I would rather take 10-15 cents profit than have one candle bring it back to my average.

Short 2.68 2.35 3100 $0.33 $1,012.50 12.19%
Risk was 2.70ish, I was trying to be "early", scaling in on "pops" looking for the "uptrend break" (I had that trend-line drawn on there in real-time) and 2.50 retest and break and also the 2.40 (around VWAP), retest and break.  Worked out perfectly, covered 2.1k shares a bit early around 2.40 and 500 at 2.30, 500 at 2.20.  

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Trades for August 5, 2015

Decent day, gave back some doing a stupid trade on ENPH for no reason, really thought we could get a little fade off of 6.90-6.95 but it just kept grinding, stopped out on some and made a little on some.  

I'm a bit frustrated with LL, I feel like I had the exact right idea but just didn't have the right execution/risk management, I ended up making $350, with being down $1500ish unrealized at the highs (I have it hidden but I still have an idea of what it was), and then "missing" 2-4k in profits had I held for a few more hours.

FNJN, BIOC, and EXEL were "easy fades" off the open but I was too busy with LL to trade them, should have maybe focused on the "easy plays" and waited for LL to setup a bit more (wait to see what it does the first 5-15 minutes at least, not jumping in the first minute when I'm unsure).

FOR NEW READERS ONLY: If I am scaling in and out of a position, that is considered one trade until I am completely out of the position and then it becomes a new trade, that's why some trades have a lot of shares, even if I never had that much at once, if I cover half and then re-add my cover, it's still considered one trade until I am completely out.  The entry is the average of the entries and the exit is the average of all the exits.  The entries/exits are rounded to 2 decimal places, but the exact number is calculated for the PnL, so that's why the dollar amount may look different than what you see. (it may be 7.165 instead of 7.17, etc).  Also, you can click on the charts if you want to make them bigger to be able to better see the entries/exits.  Using two monitors can be useful (one for the full-screen chart and one for the text/trades), that's how I personally do it whenever I am reviewing my old posts.

+/- $Amt
$ PnL
% Pnl
Short 15.95 15.81 2600 $0.13 $350.00 0.84%
I had not much plan or idea for my risk on this trade, the result sort of speaks for itself, but still could have been a lot worse.  I started into the "dollar pop" candle at 9:31, 500 shares at 15.49 (top was 15.50), it came down to 15.08, but I couldn't get filled anywhere around there for a quick scalp, I really thought about stopping out for breakevenish if it started coming back up, but took the lazy, "oh, I can just add more" approach, I ended up with 1800 shares 15.80's average and it was hanging around 16 and holding.  It ripped to 16.60's for a second but then came back to 15.67-15.70 (VWAP was 15.56ish).  I was hoping that was "it" and it would break below VWAP, so I only covered half, then it popped right back to 16.50's in a few candles somewhat because of SSR, and I had readded my covers (somewhat early) to have 1700 shares 16ish average.  It dipped to 16.10-16.20 twice but I didn't take it and it popped right back up each time with SSR, it then ripped to 16.80's but was rejected there and faded back to 15.80's eventually, where I preceded to cover the rest, thinking that VWAP "over/under" would hold and 16 may reclaim and act as support and not wanting to regret only covering some as I did before.  I was sort of right initially that it would reclaim 16 but it still couldn't really hold above it at all and 16.10 acted as a top and it faded back below VWAP (15.87), I figured it was now "done" (should fade much lower/all day) but I didn't want to get back in with a "chase entry" and get "whipsawed".  Also missed the 15.30 bounce at 11:05 when I was still in ITEK.
  • Lessons: 
  • Make sure to cover all when you know your entry isn't very good, don't get too greedy
  • Make sure to cover ALL when VWAP holds and it's still "early" (first 15-30 minutes), ESPECIALLY with SSR on, it can pop right back up VERY quickly in 1-2 candles
  • Don't be "afraid" to get back in if the stock sets up again, even if it's right where you covered or even lower, don't be emotional about it, but if the set up is there and you have a planned risk, go for it (such an easy short 15.70-15.90, risk on 16-16.10 on the convincing VWAP break and the failure to hold the 16 dollar whole number)


+/- $Amt
$ PnL
% Pnl
Short 14.82 14.66 1000 $0.17 $165.50 1.12%
Risk 15ish but should have taken my 30 cents I had on the next candle when 14.50 was holding, rather than holding it for so long.  I covered half 14.57 and half 14.74 just in case it wanted to pop to 14.80-15+, but reshorted right after at 14.74 when it was failing.

Short 14.74 14.33 1000 $0.41 $413.00 2.80%
Risk 14.80-14.90, was expecting this to be the top and figured 14.50 would break if it retested there, it did exactly what I wanted and I took the profits, I didn't want to stick around in "low volume chop" with a 10+ cent spread.

+/- $Amt
$ PnL
% Pnl
Short 7.48 7.28 500 $0.20 $100.00 2.67%
Risk 7.50-7.75, only 500 shares, was willing to scale in but got the exact top, took quick profits because the stock is pretty "thin".

+/- $Amt
$ PnL
% Pnl
Short 13.40 12.95 300 $0.45 $135.00 3.36%
Risk 13.50-14, only 300 shares was willing to scale in, entry was near the top and took quick profits because the stock is very "thin" (20-30 cent spread).

+/- $Amt
$ PnL
% Pnl
Short 6.97 7.00 4500 -$0.03 -$128.00 -0.41%
Risk was 7 "over/under" but I poorly managed it by ADDING MORE when it was just grinding which made it harder to stop out right around 7 (average was 6.91ish), I was "holding and hoping" for a quick pull and possible trend change.  Ended up covering half (2250 shares) at 7.06, then 1500 shares 6.91-6.94 and accidentally held 750 into afterhours, which I covered at 6.98, it could gap down but there's hardly any volume afterhours and I just don't like holding things overnight and never do.
  • Lessons:
  • Work on playing the "long side" more often, I saw it on my HOD list on the perk around 2:30 and watched this whole move without taking a trade on it, it's one of those trades where there isn't really much downside, it's been consolidating 6.20-6.30 all day (and also a fairly "beat" daily chart), you can go long 6.40-6.50 with risk on 6.30-6.40 looking for a move like this (and slowly move up your mental/hard stop as it goes)
  • There's no reason to short a "slow grind above VWAP", always wait for a parabolic, or possibly a lower high after a dip with a set risk, just stay away from the "slow grind" like this
  • If you are going to add at all, only do it when it starts doing what you thought, but ideally just one entry, 1-2 exits if you are trading a "subpar" setup (adding to a winner may also hurt you if the setup isn't great)
  • Increasing size when it's NOT WORKING makes it much harder to respect your risk/stop, try to stay away from doing this
  • Always try to avoid "fighting the trend" in the last hour, unless it's a clear "premature parabolic move" that you are very confident in, usually around 3:30 EST 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Trades for August 4, 2015

Pretty slow day, I'm very "trigger shy" off the open lately, I had my new best day a week ago but since then, each day has mostly been "scratch", make some here, lose some there and finishing about the same as I started (usually giving back gains that I was up early on).

I'm trying to just be green everyday regardless of how much it is and being more satisfied with 500 bucks, 1000 bucks, etc., and trying to control risk and plan out my trades much better as I mentioned on my blog post yesterday.

The "numbers" may not be all the "big"/exciting starting out, I'm not really trading all that big of size as of right now (depends on the setup though) and I'm somewhat just "experimenting" with different things and focusing on daily consistency as I mentioned.    

The blog format will be a little bit different, I am going to try to incorporate an idea of my risk on each trade to really demonstrate my thinking behind the trades and really help me think more about what my plan is and sticking to it.  I am just going to put the actual number but sometimes it's "over/under" risk and sometimes exact I guess.  I may be taking breakevenish before it gets to my risk area if I don't really like what it's doing.  Some of the "reactive stuff" off the open and all the scaling in and out (but I'm trying to do less scaling in and out during the day) may not totally have an idea of risk but I will try to incorporate it when I can and also incorporate hard stops when I can.

I'm am going to try doing the blog for a month or a few weeks and see how things go, and decide if I want to keep doing it or not.
I was really hoping for a great setup on OGEN today with a gap up 3.20-3.40 and a 3.50+ push to short, that was the "ideal setup" I was hoping for, but that never happened with the gap down and weak open and low volume today.

I missed an "easy trade" on GBIM but the volume wasn't that great (and it was "thinly traded" with a 10 cent spread, etc.) and I had missed some of my entries around 3.50-3.60 (never got where I was waiting/wanting) and didn't take it on the CONVINCING VWAP break at around 10:00 (great setup with risk on the previous top 3.25-3.28).  Also missed my fills on EXEL on the "triple top" in the morning for a short.  Those were two of the best setups today, also LXRX short would have been great with patience but I covered way too early for no real reason.  

FOR NEW READERS ONLY: If I am scaling in and out of a position, that is considered one trade until I am completely out of the position and then it becomes a new trade, that's why some trades have a lot of shares, even if I never had that much at once, if I cover half and then re-add my cover, it's still considered one trade until I am completely out.  The entry is the average of the entries and the exit is the average of all the exits.  The entries/exits are rounded to 2 decimal places, but the exact number is calculated for the PnL, so that's why the dollar amount may look different than what you see. (it may be 7.165 instead of 7.17, etc).  Also, you can click on the charts if you want to make them bigger to be able to better see the entries/exits.  Using two monitors can be useful (one for the full-screen chart and one for the text/trades), that's how I personally do it whenever I am reviewing my old posts.

+/- $Amt
$ PnL
% Pnl
Risk 13.80 (high from yesterday) but took a tiny loss (only got a partial fill) when it still seemed strong, ended up covering the rest for breakeven right as it washed out 20 cents

Long 13.42 13.44 1500 $0.01 $18.50 0.09%
Risk VWAP "over/under" (13.41), sold breakeven when it seemed weak and couldn't reclaim 13.50.

Short 13.44 13.25 1000 $0.19 $190.00 1.41%
Risk 13.50ish (reclaim), reason for short was convincing VWAP break after failing to hold green, covered too early and never got back in on pops, could have been more more patient or gotten back in.

Long 12.17 12.26 3210 $0.10 $305.70 0.78%
Risk 12.06 (LOD), was trying to sell at least some for a small profit in the 12.20's when it couldn't get over 12.30 but there seems to be an issue since last week with SSR and hitting the bid on longs (it doesn't let you hit the bid even if it's a long, it treats it as a short).  There wasn't much volume and SSR was annoying, so I ended up selling it all for a small profit into strength, idea was right on the bounce off 12 but ended up selling too early overall but low volume grinds aren't really my thing, I hate trading them.

Short 12.58 12.52 50 $0.06 $3.00 0.48%
Risk 12.60ish, only got 50 shares so I covered for 6 cents and waited for higher.

Short 12.69 12.48 500 $0.21 $105.00 1.65%
Risk 12.75-12.90 (willing to add another 500 shares possibly), covered into the washout below 12.50 thinking it might try to reclaim 12.50 and "grind" up again as it did.  
  • Lessons:
  • Try to be very patient on a short on "Day 2" when the stock failed to hold green on the day (after a "r/g push") and now broke below VWAP, ideal target is LOD's from the morning and possibly even more if that can't act as support
  • Don't be afraid to "short a pop" on a downtrend like this, it's never "fallen too much", just control your risk and be patient (possibly using manual hard stops as it continues to fall), and pay attention to how it reacts at whole and half dollar marks

+/- $Amt
$ PnL
% Pnl
Short 17.18 16.93 800 $0.25 $201.00 1.46%
Risk 17.25ish (scaling into the whole number parabolic with SSR on), ideal goal was 16.80's but ended up covering some of it before that.  


Monday, August 3, 2015

Focusing on Consistency and Your "Niche"

After a two month break from the blog, I have decided to start it up again for this month and see how things go (I am going to be gone for most of the day today, so I won't be posting today, it will be starting tomorrow, August 4th).  I hope that it can greatly help my trading again as I did for me when I first started it in March.  Before I continue posting, I want to give a bit of a recap of the last three months and talk about how my trading has been and also the things I want to implement this month to improve my trading.

I have not been happy with with all the "big PnL swings" that I've experienced in May, June, and July.  Despite posting many huge green days the past three months, my overall gains on a monthly basis have ended up being less than my initial two months doing the blog (March and April) where I was trading a lot smaller and more consistent overall because I never had those 5k, 10k, 10k+ red days that set me so far back.  The last three months, I've basically been on an endless cycle of making money for a week or two and giving it back in a day or two, just as I had been for the first six months of my trading until I started the blog in March.

In the first two weeks of June and July, I was up quite a lot, then both times, the following week, I had two really big losing days and I pretty much gave it all back, and ended up finishing out each month with not a whole lot to show for considering "where I was" at one point.  

This constant struggle to "get back to where I was" can really take a major toll on your overall psychology and can have a major impact in your trading, then one thing can lead to another and you end up digging yourself an even deeper hole.  I think it's really important to develop better trading processes and rules for LONGTERM success in trading.  I feel that my sort of "reactive" method of trading and scaling in and out without any real set rules will continue to give me very mixed results as I have had the last three months.  I'm basically "one bad trade" away from losing a week or a month of gains, and that's not really any way to trade, and it's very difficult to accumulate those gains when I take a loss every 1-2 weeks that sets me right back where I started.  

At the start of July, I told myself it was a "fresh start" and I was to FOCUS ON DAILY CONSISTENCY, even though I was still far off from "where I was" in the middle of June.  This worked for a few weeks and I was fairly consistent overall and had a fairly great month going only a few weeks in.  Then I took a 3k hit on VLTC, that wasn't too bad, and could have been worse, and I made it right back in the next few days.  Then came a -6k+ loss on LOCK, that was a little harder to make up for, and I could already feel myself trading differently because of it, and not being happy with 1000 in a day, and forcing things too much and trading a lot more emotionally than I should be, this lead to another -6k+ day on ITEK two days later, and just like that, I had almost given back almost my whole month in one week of trading from two bad trades.  The month finished out okay, but really, after all the fees, I was up nearly the same in the first two days as what I finished at.

This last month, I have "given back" insane amounts of my morning profits either midday or ESPECIALLY in the last hour on stupid things that I really have "no edge" like UVXY, LOCK, FELE, etc.  There were a few days where I just took my $1000 bucks and left for the day and those were great, but I still have that massive "overtrader/gambler" tendency in me and I find it very hard to just leave for the day, I'm always not wanting to miss opportunities.  This leads to me entering "sub-par" setups midday/end of day, trying to make a "quick buck".  As long as you have a PLAN and a SET RISK and SMALLER SIZE, there's nothing wrong with taking more trades in a day, but it's when you have NO PLAN, and are careless with size, "oh, I'll just add a little", then it goes a little bit more, "oh, I'll just add a little more", and before you know it, you are in way too big on some random trade and you just gave back most of your day (that's sort of how it has been for me anyways).

The point is, trading needs to be FOCUSED ON LONGTERM SUCCESS, not trying for those "huge gains" everyday and forcing things when the opportunities just aren't there.  There will be a handful of GOLDEN opportunities every month to take advantage of, some from this month were: TLOG, KONE, OHRP, MNOV, NYMX, VLTC (long and short), ITEK (long and short).  These are the plays where you can use more size (when you are extremely confident in the setups) and keep "hammering it" with the "houses money" and trying to be patient with a winner, etc.  Really trying to focus on these "NICHE SETUPS" as much as possible and trying to trade much smaller on everything else is really the key to success I feel.  What happens when the next "golden opportunity" comes and you just lost a large portion of your account the day before on some random trade?  You may not have the BP and/or the confidence to be able to take advantage of the opportunity to the fullest.  This "niche" is different for everyone, and takes time and experience for all new trader's to "find it", but once you do, it's about REALLY FOCUSING on it and trying to avoid everything else (or at least trading a lot smaller on everything else).  This is something I still majorly need to work on and hope to improve for August and for the months to come.

My new rules/plans for the month of August (for now, I may make adjustments later in the month):
  • 2k max loss set into my account so I can only give back 1-2 days, not a week or more which ends up creating a "slump" of emotional "get back" trading (I have this set into my account but I am not entirely sure how it works yet)
  • Smaller size on anything midday/last hour as to not give back my earlier profits (as I have done so, so many times this month and other months) (1-3 entries and 1-3 exits, no "add, add, adding", have a SET RISK and PLAN in mind ALWAYS)
  • Trying to avoid the "news plays" as much as possible (LOCK, FELE, etc.), SET RISK and SMALLER SIZE ONLY if I'm going to trade it at all (no trying to catch the bottom/short the top/top of the bounce)
  • NEVER BEING STUBBORN PAST 10:30-11 AM, if the stock has RECLAIMED VWAP at this time, there is a good chance it will continue much higher throughout the day (be long biased and never be "stuck short"), once it breaks HOD, it's usually "off to the races", like ITEK "day one" and VLTC "day two".  A convincing VWAP reclaim is WHERE TO BE stopping out on a short (this would have saved me on PTBI, SGYP, ITEK, and others) (use hard stops if needed, to stop out on these "crossovers")
  • Being extremely careful on the short side on "Day One", where the stock is trading at 10:30-11 AM is a usually a good indication of which direction it will continue the rest of the day (TLOG and MNOV, well below VWAP, near LOD's, they faded the rest of the day) (PTBI, SGYP, ITEK, had reclaimed VWAP and were trading in the top 25-50% of the trading range, they continued much higher throughout the day)
  • Implementing hard stops into my trading, on anything midday as much as possible, and also when trying to "ride a winner" (or to not turn a winner into a loser, hard stop at breakeven, etc.), manually moving a hard stop down so that you "lock it in" if support is reclaimed, etc. (this is to help with my habit of readding more shares "trying to make it work" if I missed covering into a dip and it pops right back up, it's often those readds that really get me into trouble, when I ruin my average then end up turning a nice winning trade into a big losing trade)
  • Trying not to "top tick" parabolic's and "bottom tick" washout's as much, morning emotion is still okay (because that's usually where I am the best at/make the most), but anything after that, try to wait for the trade to set up with more of a set risk with a lower high for a short or a higher low for a long
  • Paying attention to where VWAP is after the first 1-2 hours and really respecting it as your bias (more long biased above, more short biased below)   

Those are the things that I am implementing for this next month and I hope to be able to achieve consistency on a LONGTERM BASIS (monthly/yearly), rather than having a bunch of huge days but ending up with not much to show for at the end of the month.  Consistent green days really do add up.  500/day = 10k/month, 1000/day = 20k/month, 2000/day = 40k/month.  My best month is still 19k in April even with having a lot of 3-8k DAYS throughout the last 3 months, because I haven't been able to take a small loss or a small losing day, most of the time, I ended up giving back a week or more in one day, and taking a big hit to my confidence, my psychology, and my account in the process.  I'm going to try to be green every single day as much as possible, even if it's $500 bucks or whatever, it doesn't matter, I'm really trying to prevent all the "give backs" by using much smaller sizes and set risk on any trades after the first few hours, and also being able to "leave for the day" and protecting what I've got, sure I may miss some opportunities but it's literally IMPOSSIBLE to give back what I've already got (I think if I left after the first 2 hours everyday this month, my month would have been 3-4 times more profitable).    

Anyways, long story short, trading is all about focusing on LONGTERM CONSISTENCY and FINDING YOUR NICHE and FOCUSING ON IT.

Here is a great post from Nikkos ( about this topic:

Here is a great post from Nate ( about this topic:

Here is a great post from Alex ( about this topic:

Here is an AMAZING SPEECH from Michail Shadkin talking about "after 11 AM rules", focusing on "golden setups", and other extremely useful trading information:

These guys, Brandon ( and Christian ( are "masters of consistency" I feel.  Sure, they may not post that "massive day" all that often, but they really understand what consistency is, and their results continue to show, month in, month out, it's really amazing what 1-3k/day can do, when you are green almost every single day.  

I hope you found this post helpful, I really wanted to express some of my thoughts on my trading the last three months and about these topics.  I will be posting daily on the blog again for the month of August, with the hope that it will once again bring me more accountability and consistency in my trading, and also help with my "over-trading" and "give back" struggles recently.