It is absolutely unreal the amount of profits I've made these last two weeks, but it hasn't been from the best trading, I have held through so many HUGE unrealized losses that end up coming back to profit, I still need to be way more careful, if I keep trading so recklessly, I will get absolutely "SMOKED" on "that one" that doesn't "come back". I am happy that I manged to stay green everyday this week, which I think is my first time doing that in months (I usually have 1-2 "smaller" red days per week). The total for the week is $9600 before commissions, last week was $7900 before commissions, and my best week before that was $5000 in October, then 2nd best was $4600 last month. I have broken a lot of "personal trading records" this month, from "most profits in one day" (more than once) to "most profits in one week" (more than once), and possibly (depending on what happens next week) "most profits in one month". I am happy for the progress I am making "dollar-wise" but I am unhappy with the way I have still been trading so recklessly and holding through big unrealized losses almost everyday. I still need to majorly work on this part of my trading going forward in the weeks and months to come.
Both the lucky, "add, add, add" trades today have the same lessons, avoid shorting SLOW GRINDING UP ACTION ABOVE VWAP (especially with SSR on), not being too short biased on a stock just because it had "bad news" or was just "x" and is now "x" (pay attention to where VWAP is), and controlling my "adding" and overall position size.
FOR NEW READERS ONLY: If I am scaling in and out of a position, that is considered one trade until I am completely out of the position and then it becomes a new trade, that's why some trades have a lot of shares, even if I never had that much at once, if I cover half and then re-add my cover, it's still considered one trade until I am completely out. The entry is the average of the entries and the exit is the average of all the exits. The entries/exits are rounded to 2 decimal places, but the exact number is calculated for the PnL, so that's why the dollar amount may look different than what you see. (it may be 7.165 instead of 7.17, etc). Also, you can click on the charts if you want to make them bigger to be able to better see the entries/exits.
Yesterday it "broke out" past 4.75 on the daily chart to 4.90's and closed at the highs, it was trading around 5-5.10 afterhours and premarket, then it came out with a some "bad news" premarket and tanked from 5 to 4.20, bounced back up to 4.66 on the "9:28 candle" then spiked from 4.50 to 4.89 in the opening minute candle. I shorted 2k shares 4.84 average into that spike and it dipped to 4.74 and I missed covering any, then it spiked up to 4.94 and I tried to add another 1000 and only got 300 filled (SSR is on, so fills can be harder to get, and it can washout quicker and bounce quicker). It pulled back to 4.80's and it looked like it might bounce for a second with the big ask at 4.82 getting taken out, so I covered 1k there, it pulled to 4.72 and there was a 40k seller at 4.77, I missed covering any and didn't take 4.77 when he was getting "chipped away". It popped back up to 4.95 and I readded 1000 shares at 4.95, it dipped back to 4.85 and was BASING ABOVE VWAP and a HIGHER LOW = NO REASON TO BE SHORT ANYMORE. A combination of trapped shorts, short sell restriction, a "Stock Horizon buy alert" earlier at 9:31 AM at 4.85, and a "Tim Sykes buy alert" at 4.89 at 9:55, created the spike from 4.93 to 5.15 in one candle. I added 1000 shares at 5, then another 6000 from 5.09-5.18 giving me 9300 shares 5.05 average, and I covered 1k at 5.02, 2k at 5.03 when it looked like it was "perking", it went up to 5.07 then tanked below 5, and I covered the rest from 4.98-4.89 for an $800 dollar profit after being down $1500 unrealized. This trade would have been so much better if I had taken the 4.77 big seller when he was getting "chipped away", or respected that it was just grinding at 4.85-4.90 and taken off my 2300 shares for 5 cents profits or breakeven, I was too stubborn and ended up being down on everything even my 4.95 add which was a perfect entry at the time. Another lucky, "add, add, add" trade that worked out. 
Type | Entry | Exit | Shares | +/- $Amt | $ PnL | % Pnl |
Short | 5.03 | 4.95 | 10300 | $0.08 | $871.00 | 1.68% |
- There is no reason to short/be short when the stock slowly grinding/basing above VWAP and looks like it wants to do a "R/G squeeze", especially when a stock has SSR on and had "bad news" (or at least what was perceived as bad news initially, lots of shorts are trapped on stocks like this)
- Slow grind up with SSR on and ABOVE VWAP = NO REASON TO SHORT/BE SHORT, have to wait for a parabolic or for it to "top out" or make lower highs (5.12-5.15 was the "topping out" area today)
- Be careful of "add, add, adding" too much, always try to make "smart add's" and MAKE SURE TO SIZE BACK DOWN into dips, take a small profit/small loss, don't get too greedy when you know your average isn't very good and you have too much size (7k shares max is what I'm trying to work around and I have to plan out my trades accordingly)
- Be careful not to become too biased on stocks with "bad news" and make sure to respect VWAP as guide of the overall trend (just because it was just 4.20 premarket and is now 4.80's, that doesn't mean it's a short, pay attention to VWAP)
This is a "newsletter pump" that had a big move yesterday from 1.38 to 2.40's. Big r/g squeeze today from 2.10 to 2.60's, back to 2.40's then up to 2.70's. It was "hanging around" 2.60's and I was looking for 2.70-2.90 to scale in short. I had 1000 share order waiting at 2.74 and another 1000 share order waiting at 2.78, it came up and hit 2.74 and I got 950 shares filled. I hit the bid "adding to a winner" to get a bit more size, and got 950/1000 filled again for some reason, at 2.66, giving me 1900 shares 2.70 average. I covered 900 at 2.53 and 1000 at 2.48 in the washout for a quick 20 cent gain. I could have reshorted again at 2.60 when it was making a lower high, but I was still in AMCN so I decided not to.
Type | Entry | Exit | Shares | +/- $Amt | $ PnL | % Pnl |
Short | 2.70 | 2.50 | 1900 | $0.20 | $373.00 | 7.27% |
There was some news yesterday and then "Adam F." was bashing it today and I guess that was a powerful enough catalyst to send it from 4.50's to 3.10 in 20 minutes. I went long 1000 shares at 3.10, and it got "volatility halted", I wasn't super worried because the size was small and I could add more lower if needed. It opened lower and was 2.71-2.98 for a minute and then got halted again, I was trying to add 1000 shares at 2.83 but ARCAL route with Suretrader seems to not work for 5-10 minutes after a halt (I probably would have gotten filled if the order actually went through when I pushed it). I tried a different route (INETL) and it let me put the order in, even when it was still halted. I put the order in to sell at 3.23 and I got filled at 3.30 when it reopened, it hung around 3.11-3.30 for a minute, then spiked to 3.54 and I scaled in short, 2k shares 3.50 average and it was hanging around 3.45ish and a quick dip to 3.40 and I missed covering any because I was looking for a quick washout to 3.33-3.38. It popped back up to 3.50-3.59 range and I added another 2900 shares into that from 3.54-3.58 to give me 4900 shares 3.54 average. I got 1k filled immediately at 3.46 (and could have readded again higher if I wanted to), then covered another 3k 3.44-3.37 (missed covering 1k). It perked back up to 3.50's and there was lots of "big bidders" in the 3.45-3.47 range, they eventually got "smacked" and it went to 3.38 at 13:24, but it bounced right back on that candle and that was a HIGHER LOW (than 3.36 previous low). That was the "breakdown" all the shorts were looking for but it HELD, so I took the ask at 3.49 just to be done with it, it dipped back to 3.45 but held there and reclaimed 3.50, then reclaimed VWAP and slowly uptrended to 3.77. I had nailed the exact top there, with 1900 shares 3.77 average and it pulled to 3.66, and I had an order already in for 900 shares to cover at 3.66, I didn't get filled and then I was too stubborn/greedy to just cover 3.68-3.75 for a tiny profit when it was starting to grind back up again. I tried to "make it work" even though it was still just slowly grinding up and ABOVE VWAP = NO REASON TO SHORT/BE SHORT. I added around another 3k from 3.79-3.85 and it dipped to 3.78 and I had around 5k shares 3.805 avg, I was wanting to size back down around 3.72-3.76 but it HELD at 3.78 and perked back up again. I added way too much in terrible spots from 3.86-3.98 to give me 10,500 shares (way too much), 3.84 average, it broke 4 then parabolic'd to 4.18 (down $3000+ unrealized at the very top), then "SSR washed out" to 3.95 in two candles, then faded more from there. It was "hanging around" 3.83-3.95 for about 20 minutes and I had covered 3500 for a small loss from 3.88-3.84 and still had 7000 shares waiting for the 3.80 break. I thought I might later regret being so greedy and not covering enough there if it perked back to 3.90-4 again, but it ended up breaking 3.80, down to 3.75 and and I covered it all from 3.76-3.81, I was trying not to be too greedy since my average was terrible and I was just down a lot. It ended up fading much lower to 3.60ish and then 3.45, but oh well, it was a terrible, very lucky trade, I'm happy to make a few hundred after being down $3000+, I didn't want to go for the "homerun" from a bad entry and end up regretting it if it came back to 3.90 or something, maybe I would have been more patient with a GOOD ENTRY and not being down so much unrealized. I also feel I didn't have the same "view" on the chart as I normally do, when I had it zoomed so far out, the chart looked so much different than it normally does because of the big range on this stock today, I should have adjusted my chart to the appropriate "zoom level" so I could get a better feel for the actions and the candles.
Type | Entry | Exit | Shares | +/- $Amt | $ PnL | % Pnl |
Long | 3.10 | 3.30 | 1000 | $0.20 | $200.00 | 6.45% |
Short | 3.54 | 3.44 | 4900 | $0.10 | $480.00 | 2.77% |
Short | 3.84 | 3.80 | 10500 | $0.04 | $386.40 | 0.96% |
- Lessons:
- Slow grind up with SSR on and ABOVE VWAP = NO REASON TO SHORT/BE SHORT, have to wait for a parabolic or for it to "top out" or make lower highs (obviously in hindsight, but after it reclaimed VWAP at 13:38, 4 to 4.18 in two candles after up-trending from 3.40's was the "parabolic" to short into, and after that pull, 3.85-3.95 lower highs and "peaking out" was the other place you could have been shorting)
- Be careful of "add, add, adding" too much, always try to make "smart add's" and MAKE SURE TO SIZE BACK DOWN into dips, take a small profit/small loss, don't get too greedy when you know your average isn't very good and you have too much size (7k shares max is what I'm trying to work around and I have to plan out my trades accordingly)
- Be careful not to become too biased on stocks with "bad news" and make sure to respect VWAP as guide of the overall trend (just because it hit 2.71, and is now 3.70's, that doesn't mean it's a short, pay attention to VWAP)
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