Lots of little gains added up to a nice day to finish out a crappy week. Mostly small size and quick scalps, one very forced, undisciplined trade on GBSN long with 6000 shares that I got lucky on. There was still a 2:1 limit on shorting GBSN so I couldn't short it with very much size. Happy to finish with an awesome day after things weren't working so well earlier in the week. Total for the week is now $840 before commissions, nothing huge, but green is green.

FOR NEW READERS ONLY: If I am scaling in and out of a position, that is considered one trade until I am completely out of the position and then it becomes a new trade, that's why some trades have a lot of shares, even if I never had that much at once, if I cover half and then re-add my cover, it's still considered one trade until I am completely out. The entry is the average of the entries and the exit is the average of all the exits. The entries/exits are rounded to 2 decimal places, but the exact number is calculated for the PnL, so that's why the dollar amount may look different than what you see. (it may be 7.165 instead of 7.17, etc). Also, you can click on the charts if you want to make them bigger to be able to better see the entries/exits.
Just quick scalps with small size, shorting into parabolic's, covering into washouts, small gains added up, missed the big fade, but it's hard to predict those huge washouts, it's very low volume and thin and can go either way with one big buyer or seller. I just short into strength on the ask and cover on the bid into washouts, shorted 7.65 covered 7.46, shorted 7.93, "added to a winner" at 7.85, covered it all too soon around 7.76, shorted 8.03, covered 7.94.
Type | Entry | Exit | Shares | +/- $Amt | $ PnL | % Pnl |
Short |
7.65 |
7.46 |
500 |
$0.19 |
$95.00 |
2.48% |
Short |
7.89 |
7.76 |
1000 |
$0.13 |
$130.00 |
1.65% |
Short |
8.03 |
7.94 |
500 |
$0.09 |
$46.00 |
1.15% |
Missed the opening washout and bounce from 4.30ish to 4.70ish, and missed the short from 4.60's to low 4's. Tried to scalp it long and got a 400 share partial fill on my sell, ended up adding lower and selling for a small profit. Later, shorted at 4.24 and took the ask at 4.24 when a big buyer came in, I didn't want to miss covering again like I did yesterday. Reshorted on pops, 1800 shares 4.33ish and covered like a piker around 4.27. Reshorted 800 at 4.60, could have covered at 4.52, but was looking for a bit more than that and was willing to add higher, got a huge pop to 4.80 (bigger than I was expecting), I added 900 at 4.72 and covered it all at 4.65 for a cent (once again didn't want to miss taking breakeven from a bad entry like I did yesterday). Scalped it long 4.53 to 4.59, was still wanting to short on pops and tried to short at 4.68 and got 65 shares filled, I hit the bid at 4.64 when it was still looking weak and I feel like I helped create the downside. Covered too early at about 4.48, should have been a bit more patient now that it made a LOWER LOW and was about to go red on the day again, it faded another 30 cents. Tried to scalp it long at 4.30, it was still acting weak so I tried selling at 4.34 and only got 200 shares filled, I should have just hit the bid at 4.30-4.32 instead of trying to make it work. I added more lower and missed selling into a small bounce again, added more again, I was in way too big, forcing size on a bad setup, 6000 shares 4.225 average, the lowest it hit was 4.13, luckily, it bounced some and I sold everything 4.23-4.27, even hitting the bid on some just to make sure to SELL ALL instead of trying to make it work again. The better spot to go long would have been on the dip again with risk on the previous low at around 4.16-4.20, and it slowly bounced to 4.30's. Missed the reshort 4.30-4.39 on the r/g fail and VWAP fail, it faded to 4.06 (previous LOD area), "they" supported it there and it "skipped up on air" back to 4.30, I got a nice short at 4.30 and covered 4.18.
Type | Entry | Exit | Shares | +/- $Amt | $ PnL | % Pnl |
Long |
4.14 |
4.21 |
2900 |
$0.08 |
$226.50 |
1.89% |
Long |
4.53 |
4.59 |
1000 |
$0.06 |
$60.00 |
1.32% |
Long |
4.23 |
4.25 |
6200 |
$0.03 |
$161.00 |
0.61% |
Short |
4.24 |
4.24 |
1000 |
-$0.00 |
-$1.00 |
-0.02% |
Short |
4.33 |
4.27 |
1800 |
$0.07 |
$123.00 |
1.58% |
Short |
4.66 |
4.65 |
1700 |
$0.01 |
$23.00 |
0.29% |
Short |
4.64 |
4.48 |
1065 |
$0.16 |
$169.00 |
3.42% |
Short |
4.30 |
4.18 |
1000 |
$0.12 |
$120.00 |
2.79% |
- Lessons:
- Be careful of add, add, adding to a loser on a downtrending red chart, they could just keep fading and then you are looking at a huge loss because of your size
- Do not use so much size in bad setups (my trying to scalp the washout long and ending up long 6000 shares was very risky and very stupid and could have easily given back my whole day if it didn't bounce)
- Don't let a partial fill mess up your whole trade, don't worry about the extra commissions of doing a new trade and just getting out (two of my long trades were messed up because I got a partial fill and didn't change the order to exit the rest and tried to make it work with adding more lower)
- Try to be more patient with a winner once it's doing what you thought (I minimized my 4.33 to 4.26 short and my 4.64 to 4.48 short, both of them were doing exactly what I thought but I took the quick gains and missed another 10-30 cents on them)
Completely accidental trade, I guess I still have some hot keys on my computer even though I haven't used them for like 5 months, accidentally bought 400 shares on the ask at 1.84, probably should have just sold 1.82-1.83 instead of trying to make it work. I added 600 shares at 1.78 and then sold it all at 1.78 for a $24 dollar loss, didn't want to lose anymore than that on an accidental trade.
Type | Entry | Exit | Shares | +/- $Amt | $ PnL | % Pnl |
Long |
1.80 |
1.78 |
1000 |
-$0.02 |
-$24.00 |
-1.33% |
No idea why this was spiking out of nowhere, from 2.80 to 3.34 on lots of volume. I didn't see anyone post anything about it in chat and I just saw it on my HOD list. I was trying to figure out why it was spiking but was going to short it regardless if it got really extended. I had an order waiting at 3.34 before it hit there (Accept Shrt 1000 CJJD 3.34 --ARCA--15:09:12--), it didn't fill my order right away and then I decided to cancel it when there was a 12k bidder at 3.29 and I still didn't know why it was spiking. I was going to possibly hit that big bidder if it was getting taken out but it just did a quick pull to 3.20. It bounced back up a bit and there was a bidder at 3.28 and I hit it with 1000 shares but only got 500 filled, covered it right away at 3.15 for a quick scalp.
Type | Entry | Exit | Shares | +/- $Amt | $ PnL | % Pnl |
Short |
3.28 |
3.15 |
500 |
$0.13 |
$65.00 |
3.96% |
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